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Comparison Steals Joy

Hey there, amazing souls!

It's Inspiration Sunday, and today I want to talk about the pressure to measure up professionally in a world dominated by highlight reels.

In this digital day in age, it is easy to get caught up in the comparison trap. We come across countless posts from our connections celebrating their professional wins leading us to feel disheartened and question our value because we are not where we want to be professionally. If you can relate, I want to encourage you on this lovely Sunday.

Know that comparison steals joy! Social media does not always show the real picture. In fact, the photo is often snapped with a filter and cropped. Many people who seem to achieve effortless success may have faced countless rejections, sleepless nights, failures, and setbacks we don't witness. It's important to recognize - It's possible that their hard work and resilience led to their success, and they deserve it.

Don't let the feeling of not measuring up discourage you and allow you to discredit your journey, for we all have our unique paths and timelines. Instead, celebrate the success of others, but focus on YOUR professional journey! Remember that success often takes time, and you are exactly where you need to be at this moment in your life. The time will come when everything will fall into place, and you'll appreciate every step taken to achieve your goals, even the small ones. For now, trust the process, and know that your story is still being written!

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