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AI Takeover: 5 Tips to Stay Ahead of AI

Artificial Intelligence has been a hot topic lately, as many industries are replacing human workers with computers; you see it everywhere, from fast food chains to retail stores. Where there once was human life, now lies a computer or a sign called "self-checkout!" As AI continues to evolve, its an only natural to wonder which career paths will remain in the face of automation.

Understandably, there is a growing concern regarding job security; however, instead of fearing the future, it's wise to position oneself strategically to increase the likelihood of job stability. Here are a few strategies to stay ahead and ensure a resilient career amidst the AI revolution.

  1. Be Creative - AI lacks innovation, while it may excel at repetitive tasks and quickly compile and produce information, it can't think outside the box. Nothing compares to the creative mind of a human. Consider positions that involve innovation, design, and creating experiences.

  2. Develop Emotional Intelligence - AI programs are void of feelings or emotions, and positions that require human interaction such as counseling and coaching are excellent career fields to pursue as they may be less likely to be replaced by AI.

  3. Think Ethical AI - Currently, there is a lack of governance around AI; however, this may all change soon. Look into roles around AI policy making, data privacy, and AI security.

  4. Learn AI - Become or stay tech-savvy, understand how AI functions, and leverage your skills to set you apart. Understanding its limitations may give you a competitive advantage in the job market.

  5. Be True to Yourself - When choosing a career path, it is important to stay true to your strengths, passions, and aspirations. It can be very dissatisfying to be in a role that doesn't align with your personal qualities and values. Pursue a career that you are truly passionate about and can make a positive impact.

According to Demis Hassabis, "It's not a matter of if AI will change the world, but how." Although the full extent of this impact remains unknown, we can prepare for the future by utilizing this innovative tool and implementing strategies to stay ahead of the ongoing AI revolution.

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